from Turner Return Tops
We are proud to present the Scrub. A performance packed soft H shape that'll give you what you want from a modern mono-metal design. Stability, spin time, snappy response, a profile for snug finger grinds, and fat lips for inner ring grinds. Scrub even boasts an M4x12mm axle that ensures a smooth spin, even after taking a beating. Those TRT nipples aren't just for show, you know!
Scrub comes in a hand stamped TRT box, and each includes:
-Zipline Strings ZS.AIR Nylon String
-TRT Sticker
-TRT Series #3 POG
All Clear and Dragon Fruit Splash Scrubs are B-graded for ano flaws (tiny shiny pinprick spots).
-6061 Al
-55.6mm Diameter
-45mm Width
-66g of Power
-4.4mm Gap
-C bearing
-19mm FPM Pink Pads
-M4x12mm Axle